5 reasons you should hire a professional web design company

A brand which needs to be successful in this competitive market must definitely need a professional website. Without a website, it’s difficult for us to survive in the market as because the world is moving towards the digital era. People often use web for searching their needs and to so it worth investing in online marketing to grab your potential customers.

5 reasons you should hire a professional web design company

Nowadays consumers are available on online 24/7 and so they are good at making a decision in spite of using a web search whether or not to buy this particular product or service or would rather go for something better than this. The web search results are going to predict a list of websites from that the consumers might choose the website which they love the most and which has a better user experience.

With better user experience, increased online sales and conversion rate are the key factors which determine a successful business. So if your business needs all the above then they should have a well-designed website which is crucial for business success. Following are the 5 tips which specifies the importance of creating a professional website.

1.Design from scratch

When you hire a professional web design company you will come to know about what designing a website from scratch is all about. Instead of blindly implementing WordPress themes where you can actually develop a website by writing a well-versed code on your own. Only a custom website can be altered according to your business needs and it can be only done by an expert web developer. They will limit the certain functionalities on the website like using compressed images, leveraging browser cache and lot more.

2.Design elements

The clear cut design, color, and navigation of your website matter more. Consumers will only stay on the website if they are attracted towards it by means of an explicit design. Only a professional web design company knows the color schemes and layout which will be loved by the end user. The images and infographics should grab users attention only then the possible chances of getting a conversion will be good for your website.

3.SEO friendly

Only a professional web design company knows the tactics behind SEO and so they will craft a proper plan for making the website as understandable by the search engines. Having a professional website alone is not going to help you out because your business should be findable on google only then the potential customers can find your business. The site navigation structure, breadcrumbs, adding keywords to meta everything adds value to your website.

4.Design Trends

As the technology is growing in a rapid fast manner we need to adapt ourselves according to the change only then the business can survive in the market.  A professional web design company can guide you in terms of using the latest technology changes to drive immediate results for your business. We should keep updating our website by means of upgrading the platform version as well as by updating more content on to the website.

5.Responsive design

It plays a key role because people are using smartphones in higher criteria and so the website should be customized accordingly to grab the attention of mobile users. Because a website can be accessed by any device and so it should load as quickly as possible to never lose a customer out of your website.

It is the right time to build a professional website for your business because of the competition that is never gonna end in any business. Invest in the website by hiring a team of an expert web design company in Chennai and get major ROI towards your business. If you realize the worth of having a website for your business then no one can stop you in achieving your desired goals.

7 Reasons Why You Should Revamp Your eCommerce Site

A change is constantly required in this world whether it’s going to be in an online store or else in a physical store. Especially in the season time, a change is required to grab the attention of the consumers. The change that you are going to make will bring you the possible number of sales.

Renovation of a store requires your investment as well as your time and it can be done only by an experienced eCommerce website development company. A redesign is a must if your website is lacking in conversions of sales or else there is a huge loss in online traffic.

According to the technology changes you need to adapt the online stores according to the change only then you can survive in the competitive market.  A solid reason is required for a change and so here are some 7 reasons which will definitely lead you to revamp your online store.


Increased bounce rate

The possible reasons for consumers leaving your website are due to poor site navigation and structure and loading time of your online store. If there are no discounts and remarkable designs present then the possibility of leaving your website might be high. Your website should be loaded within 3 seconds or else it is a big drawback for your online store because the customers cannot wait until all your products get loaded on the website. The flow must be good only when the potential customer can go through all of the products and services that are featured on the online store. Test your website by using the google page speed insights tool to get a clear picture of the design quality of the website.

Mobile friendliness

This is one of the important aspects because only through a mobile majority of traffic comes for your online store.  Your online store should be optimized for mobile consumers the usage of smartphones tends to be very high rather than the desktop.

You need to perform a cross-browser compatibility check and google mobile friendly responsiveness test to bring out the real performance capability of your website. The checkout and payment option should be customized in an easy way because the majority of troubles happens here at this stage and it will lead to losing a potential customer from your online store.

Missing social media optimization

Social media plays a crucial role in bringing conversions for your online store. So we have to integrate the key social media channels on to the website and then we have to write and promote content across all channels to attract the target audience. Promoting your products on appropriate social groups, boosting your post, enables us to reach a wider audience. If your website is lacking in social media integration then the possibility of getting likes and shares would gradually decrease. The images that you are going to use for your promotion should be fabulous only then the chances of driving potential customers towards your online store will increase. If your website lacks in social media presence then the redesign consideration is a must for your online store.

The trouble with Search Engine Optimization

Ranking your online store on top of the search results is a crucial thing because already your competitors would have been dominating the market. We need to steal the show by analyzing the competitor’s activities and take appropriate measures in bringing your online store on top of the search results. It is important to check whether the keywords are optimized in the product titles, description, alt tags, content and so on. Hire the best SEO company in the market where you will have experts to audit your e-commerce site. They will clearly predict why your website requires a redesign and if it gets done what will be the return on investment for them.

Security concerns

If your website is not loading on https then the majority of the consumers won’t prefer your store because the possibility of the data breach could be more. Your online store must be completely secured and there shouldn’t be any annoying third party advertisements on your online store. As people will be using their card information, personal details the payment gateway must be a good one otherwise include security as a top priority while redesigning your store.

Your competitors are ahead of you

Keep an eye on your competitor always because as and when they do any changes you need to find out the best possible ways to achieve it in your online store. Don’t copy your competitor’s website just think out of the box and come out with the best possible design which will give a good look and feel for the consumers to browse through your online store. Get the guidance of a web design company in Chennai because redesigning a website can be done only by professional designers and it’s not easy to accomplish.

Product reviews matters

When most of your products are having bad reviews then it will severely affect your brand’s online presence. So you need to be very careful in launching a product on to the market appropriate precautionary steps and guidelines needs to be followed before launching the product. Find out the reasons behind why your consumers are not linking your product whether it is due to poor design or structure then you have to go for the revamp of your online store.

If you are still not sure about whether to go for a redesign or not then you can hire a reputed eCommerce website development company which offers a complete redesign of your website at an affordable cost. Only an experienced eCommerce expert can audit your website and come out with the best possible suggestions for your site. They will also come up with a quote that perfectly fits within your budget and this investment is worth your money and you can expect a greater return on investment from it.

This article was originally published in – https://www.understandingecommerce.com/7-reasons-why-you-should-revamp-your-ecommerce-site/

4 Essential SEO Tips And Tricks That We Should Follow In 2018

SEO is not a constant thing and it keeps changing so what we have to do is we have to adapt ourselves according to the change. We should keep track of google algorithm because it matters more. Well I don’t know who is going to learn this blog it can be either a SEO expert or else a beginner but for both of them this tips are tricks would be helpful. Here are some of the essential tips and tricks for 2018.

Find the right keywords:

Whatever you type in google will be considered as a keyword only a SEO expert will know about this. Keywords are very important and we have to generate it by using the google keyword planner or else by some of the third party sites. Keywords are classified in to three types broad match, exact match and phrase match and as far as I concern we have to use broad match keywords which has lesser search volume and high popularity because we can rank those keywords easily. The keywords you choose must be related to your niche and it should also have an average search volume.

If you are running a local business you can concentrate on location based keywords because it will help you in finding your potential customers. For example if you are running a barber shop In Chennai then you have find keywords like best barber shops in Chennai because people will pretend to search like this.


Is On page SEO really effective?

Another important part in SEO is on page optimization. It involves selecting the right keywords and we have to optimize those in to the meta titles and descriptions of appropriate web pages. Both meta titles and description must have a character and limit and I know every one of you might know this if not it is not a big thing the meta titles will range from 70 to 80 character limit and the meta descriptions will range from 160 to 180 characters. There is also a one more common term you all would have heard about meta keyword but it is no longer effective so people stopped using it. One more important factor is header tags and it really matters for search engine rankings so it must be present on each and every web pages.  Some of the most important one page factors we have to consider is :

  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Header tags
  • URL structure

The best way to update the meta data on to your website is by means of  using yoast SEO plugin by means of which you can update everything easily by yourself and you don’t need to wait for a designer to do it.



Image optimization is it still matters?

As far as on page optimization is important the image optimization is also equally important because it will help the images to rank in search engines by means of adding a ALT attribute to it.

The ALT attribute must be same as that of the image name and it should consist of keywords to rank well in search engines.  The image size also matters and we have to compress and upload the images so that it won’t affect the website loading speed. Images less than 2 MB in size are the perfect fit for a website.



Backlinks Count:

Backlinks are still effective but it should have certain constraints and limitations building a backlink in a website that is not at all related to your niche is absolutely a waste of time and the websites that are having fewer domain authority is also a waste of time. So we have to build backlinks but in a effective way, Build quality links that are related to your niche and identify how well your competitors are building their backlinks. How can you identify your competitors backlinks? Just thin about it usage of free tools won’t help you as far as I concern I personally use Ahrefs and by using that we can find out all of your competitors backlinks by using that you can build backlinks on all those profiles which will help your website to beat your competitors in search engine rankings. But not only this is going help you you have to build more backlinks than that of your competitors in platform that are perfectly suited for your niche. Because who knows even a visitor can come to your website by means of going through that link and there exists the higher chance of conversion rate. Backlinks that we gain from top referring domains still matters for SEO. Apart from this if you have lost any of the quality backlink try to get that backlink back by contacting the link source.


Guest blogging is another important way to build quality backlinks and it is trending now in 2018. People are increasing the popularity of the brand by contacting the top niches which accepts guest posts proposals from authors.

So What that’s all we came to the end I thin this SEO trips and tricks will surely be helpful for you.  Search engines are watching us and it is even more smarter than us so we have to equally cope up with it to dominate search engines to rank at the top results of google page.  Why are you still waiting take your time implement this strategy and rank your business on top good luck!

4 Important things a designer should know about SEO in 2018

Web design and SEO both are inter connected because without a great website we cannot do SEO for that website. There are 200 factors which acts a ranking signal to rank a particular website. So web design also involved in those ranking factors. Every web designer should aware of this below mentioned steps before they are going to develop a website.


User Experience – Matters More:

A website developer’s goal should be developing a website that gives a ease of access to the website visitors without any difficulty like navigation issue, page loading time issue and much more. The websites we create must be useful to the end user because only then we can reduce the bounce rate of the website.

Is your website is mobile friendly?

Well the website should be responsive on all the platforms because it is one of the important ranking signal that Google considers for ranking your website. The website we design must look gorgeous on mobile , laptop, tablets and even on other platforms. Google gives first preference only to mobile friendly designed websites so make your websites that can be used on all platfroms.

Usage of small gestures is that really important?

Yes it is very important to use small icons on your website which will give a pleasant experience to users when they browse through your website. The designers should plan to give like an app experience to users with proper navigation and icons on youjr website.

Image Optimization is a must thing!

Optimization of images is an important thing in your website because google can find your images through google image search. Images can be optimized by adding alt attributes to it. Don’t add too many images on to your website because it may affect your website’s loading speed also your image size matters use images that are less than 4 MB in size.

Looking for a help in designing your next website by following all these SEO aspects? Hire a web design company which maintains their brand reputation by successfully delivering the projects to the customers before deadline.